Saturday, October 22, 2005

New Digs, sort of

So within 18 hours of moving into Derby St Mansion with Dan, Nicky, Greg, Janet and Nik (the absent flatmate), I've managed to turn my alcove off the hallway into a semblance of a room. I included pictures, for your entertainment. Well, really it's for my entertainment.

Utilizing my matress, some random peices of shelving from the garage, and the numerous duvet covers people have given me before skipping town (thanks erin and pete) I have created a sort of wall/doorway/thingie.

Gerome has found a temporary home as my keyholder. And the dresser holds up the mattress!

A few pictures of home and pretty scenery, so it's like a live here, instead of just squatting.

Have you ever seen so much bedding?! it takes up most of my bed! I'm going to build a fort later, just for fun.

So my health is essentially returned, and with it my social life! Hooray! Going to a barbeque in a bit, so I'll keep this short. More pictures of the house to follow, and in a month I'll have a real room and there will be a whole montage of interior decorating goodness! I knew you'd be excited.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Fiddler on the Roof

Exciting development this weekend: I have shingles! Confused? Didn't realize I was building a house? Well, you're in good company. Easily 2 out of every 3 people I've told this to have had no idea what I'm talking about. I'm not building a house, shingles is a virus. Actually it's the chicken pox virus which lies dormant in the body after a person gets chicken pox (usually as a small child) and comes up to bite the fortunate among us in the bum every so often. Just for fun, you know, when it's bored on a Friday night. Usually people don't get it until they are a little older than I am (David Letterman, for instance), but we all know I'm just special that way.

So yeah, the virus picks some nerves and goes to town basically, but I got in to see a doctor and got on the magic drugs quickly enough (thanks to my mother's insistance and my aunt's resourcefulness) that I don't have many symptoms at the moment and I should be better in a few days. In the meantime I am very bored and walking around Napoleon-style to avoid touching the affected nerves. It looks really cool.

Susan I'm always taking book recommendations by email. That applies to everyone, actually. Send 'em down, I've got Erin's library card!