Smile! You're on kiwi camera

My flatmates are going to kill me for putting this on the internet, but I couldn't help myself. This is Steve and Ricki, cooking dinner, or rather tea. All meals are refered to as "tea" which can be moderately confusing.
We just got back from picking out a new lounge suit (spoken with an english accent, a la Monty Python's world forum sketch-- yeah, the people we were buying the furniture from didn't understand either, and they looked a little scared). It's brown and fuzzy. Once everything is in order I'll post some pictures of the flat. But first we're going to need a little more furniture. Fortunately, we've already got a garden gnome. He's doing a good job of holding our car keys.
The job has been rather boring, to the point that I'm talking out loud to myself by the end of the day, just to make sure my ears are still working. So here's a little question, to make the blog slightly more interactive (really I just like having comments, it makes me feel important): how do you meet people? I mean really, apart from going to pubs, how do you meet new people in a new city? I'm open to any and all suggestions, since I obviously haven't met anyone at work. Apart from that giant penguin, Bernard.