Dear Canon,
Congratulations! You people make the most stubbornly resilient camera equipment I have ever come across, or heard of. Since I received your Canon Elph 3 years ago as a Christmas gift, I have dropped it on tile, cement and asphalt innumerable times. It has had a veritable smorgasbord of food and beverages spilled on it, been dropped in the gutter during a rain storm, and most recently it was dropped in the toilet at a party. Apart from the tape that holds one of the hatches together (after a particularly unpleasant run-in with a tile floor) and some mysteriously absent case screws, it looks beautiful and the thing still takes pictures perfectly. You people are my gods. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Kate West

Proof that the camera works, this is Greg's impression of Humpty Dumpty. He's gonna kill me for this.