Home Sweet Home
Alright, slightly less exciting than what I've been doing for the last few weeks is where I've been living. But only slightly. I think it's best to start with the empty room, so you can fully understand the creative genius that went into my room decoration.

They call it The Boat. Partially because the floor sags in the middle, and partially because it looks like the interior of a ship.

Originally I wanted to cover the walls in draping fabrics and burn patchouli constantly to complete my flatmates' image of me as a damned dirty hippy who does yoga in their front yard. But I realized quickly while staring at these walls that I wasn't going to be able to ignore the vertical line theme that was going on. Running with the nautical theme was considered, but only briefly, and with hilarious results. Eventually I decided on this.

A litte draping fabric and my snail picture from the crazy hippie in California who liked the articles about Odysseus. Just cuz.

And here is the crowning glory. I ran some string along the wall between the old nails and old holes with new nails that were already there (a tribute to years of previous flatters) and hung pictures from them. Then I added some paper for dramatic flare, and also so the project would take an eccessive amount of time.
So there you have it, that's where I live!
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