Smile! You're on kiwi camera

My flatmates are going to kill me for putting this on the internet, but I couldn't help myself. This is Steve and Ricki, cooking dinner, or rather tea. All meals are refered to as "tea" which can be moderately confusing.
We just got back from picking out a new lounge suit (spoken with an english accent, a la Monty Python's world forum sketch-- yeah, the people we were buying the furniture from didn't understand either, and they looked a little scared). It's brown and fuzzy. Once everything is in order I'll post some pictures of the flat. But first we're going to need a little more furniture. Fortunately, we've already got a garden gnome. He's doing a good job of holding our car keys.
The job has been rather boring, to the point that I'm talking out loud to myself by the end of the day, just to make sure my ears are still working. So here's a little question, to make the blog slightly more interactive (really I just like having comments, it makes me feel important): how do you meet people? I mean really, apart from going to pubs, how do you meet new people in a new city? I'm open to any and all suggestions, since I obviously haven't met anyone at work. Apart from that giant penguin, Bernard.
oh my god. amen to that, how exactly does one go about meeting people? i've startd accosting my neighbors...i've startled and terrified at least five unsuspecting people.
Hmm good question. So far I've met one neighbor and had several one-off conversations with people at coffeeshops, bars, and even the bus. Two people have commented when I was wearing a "Beerland, Texas" shirt and one while I was wearing one from Waterloo records.
I've heard the best way is to do things you like to do and see who you keep running into. While I'm not sure if that works in a city of 3.5 million, I'm giving it a shot, but I'm not sure if I'm patient enough.
So far, Myspace and the Craigslist personals have been no help, or maybe I just don't come off well in text.
Much like getting a job, statistically the best way to meet people is through a mutual aquaintence. Other than that, it is good to become a regular at a place you enjoy. Basically, find a situation in which you can be comfortable and act like you own the place (without being a jack-ass). Not only will you be more likely to meet someone who likes what you like, but also you will be more able to be confident and comfortable, two things to which people respond well. Next week on Mr. Wizard we will discuss how electro-magnets work. If you want to read more about "Gettin' the Mad Hook Up", there are plenty of books at your local library. Knowing is half the battle.
the pub? what kind of people you trying to meet? Go to the the University or somthing and join a club, duh.
it occured to me after coming home from last night's wall that the answer to your question is one of those brilliant extra bits of education you get outside the classroom at new college.
to wit: when has sitting on a bench in a high traffic area drinking heavily ever not resulted in meeting copious amounts of new people, at least a small percentage of which, statistically speaking, cannot suck?
i imagine the only problem with that plan would be opening container or public drunkeness laws, but perhaps the kiwis are more forward-thinking than americans.
okay, I am completely biased, but I'd try the reading room or the computers at a local library (especially if you ask for help of some innocent other cute patron or staff person or if the library happens to have programs with an audience or book discussion groups.) There is no guarantee that people AREN'T crazy, but conversations about books are never ever a bad place to start meeting people. "Whose your favorite Kiwi writer?"
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