Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The times they are a changin'

Erin's leaving me! She's had enough of city life and is heading up to the north island to WWOOF for a bit (Willing Workers on Organic Farms). She's going to be living on a farm or a beach or something up near the coromandel penninsula. I'm sure you'll all be abandoning my blog for hers now, as her pictures are bound to be more interesting than mine. Go on, you know you want to. The most exciting thing I did today was accidently order a car instead of printing a quote. Fortunately, I'm a power-user, so they didn't fire me. Actually, my boss was extremely nice about it. I assume that means it was a big mistake, since when I make little ones he gives me endless grief. Wish I'd never taught him the SWT Bobcat hand-signal. Ah well, hind-sight is 20/20.
So I decided to shift flats, so Ricky and Steve decided to move out too. So we're all moving! Yay!... Where?! That remains to be seen. To that end, I must go visit a couple of flats now. Wish me luck!


At Wed Nov 23, 02:44:00 PM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lies!!! I do not give you grief!!


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