First Contact
We've landed! No problems at customs apart from the odd ear wig. We've been wandering around the city all day trying not to fall asleep. We have a nice talkative dormmate who gave us some general travel and New Zealand tips, and we took a boat around the harbour and talked for a while with the crew who are volunteers at the maritime museum. Nothing like swarthy retired sailors and no sleep, I tell you what. I suspect tonight will be an early night, but tomorrow we're planning on pubbing it up, despite the steep slope back up to our hostel. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, this post will be coming from tomorrow. I am now Future Kate, please take note.

The pedestrian crosswalks all go off at the same time at some intersections, so everyone just walks across the middle of the road. It looks sort of like a zombie movie, only these people are going to work, not trying to eat my brains.

Erin with Harry Potter on our first night at the hostel.
OK, it's the 24th there now, we're ready for further updates!
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