Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Welcome to Christchurch

Where the buses run on time, the people have even less fashion sense than Erin and I, and the pies flow freely (even the gluten-free ones). We love it here. We got our bus passes today, handed out some CVs, and trekked around the city. Tomorrow, more job pursuits and housing! The weather was absolutely fabulous, and we ended up taking off our jackets at one point because it was so warm. Apart from the attack bird that lives in Scott and Evelien's parking area, who tried to go through our car window this morning because he was so upset he'd missed us on the way in, we don't really have any complaints. They are of course feeding us very well, and the house is out in the country near a dairy farm, so we were told we could help with the calving if we wanted to... I passed.

On the ferry that crosses the Cook Strait, between the north and south islands:

"Okay Erin, look cold!"

See the little speck at the bottom of the mountain? That's my new house.


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