Tuesday, July 19, 2005

After dropping Sarah off at work I was given the keys to her car and a license to try and find Hollywood. Fortunately for this post, I actually succeeded.

On the way I saw a sign for the La Brea Tar Pits, and decided to make a detour, since I've been told they're worth seeing. The pits themselves were mostly-hardened asphalt, but there were all kinds of prehistoric bones in the museum, and an animatronic saber-toothed tiger eating a land sloth. So that was fun. I'm going to guess that the kids who own the shoes in this picture had all been warned not to get tar on their footwear. I can only imagine their parents' chagrin when the shoes came off this evening.

Having broadened my mind I hopped back in the car and headed up to Hollywood to stare at people with too much money and not enough sense (to give it to me). The famous Beverly Hills sign caught my eye as I sat in traffic. A theme for the afternoon.

On Rodeo Drive there were many shops, and plenty of shoppers. I purchased some 9 dollar glasses that are about ten times too big for my face so I would blend in, and so I could stare at people with impunity. Can someone explain the fashion trend towards "colonial barmaid" to me? I looked for the famed stores with doorbells and waiting lists, but found nothing. There was a doorman at one, however. These girls were completely disgusted with the tourists taking pictures of their personal outdoor mall, so I took their picture. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

I ate my lunch in this park, which had surprizingly itchy grass. It looked inviting enough, but sitting in it was another story altogether. Still, it was a nice break from the asphalt. The enormity of this tree, shading part of Santa Monica Blvd, completely threw me off. Also the roundness of the limbs. Do they trim this monster? Do they sell tickets to the show?

On the way to pick Sarah up I saw this store. It was definitely the most tempting shop that I saw today. Surplus gas mask anyone? How about a parachute?


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